Hadoi..mintak mahap ye pada yang tinggalkan kat komen kat entri semalam..tenet nih berterusan lak bersikap
Ni haa..nak nayang tart telur nih..best laa pulak makan tart telur nih..
Dari arituh nak membuatnya..si Ryo ada tanya resepi aku suh dia tanya pakcik Goog tapi dier kate kalo kat umah tenet tak berapa sihat.huhuh..agaknya dah siap buat dah dia pun semalam..tak tanya plak..
Nih pestaim laa aku buat tart telur versi kantonis nih..kan dier ada portugese..ada hongkong..macam2 versi kan..tapi tak sure lak apa bezanya..sebab lum try semua lagi..hiks..
Yang pastinya penggemar tart telur,boleh laa belajar buat sendiri pasnih yer...

Resepi aku amik dari SINI,thanks to christine yang share recepi nih..
Resepi nih versi bahasa inggeris yer sebab main angkut(copy) terus..kalo nak minta translate ke bahasa melayu kite bagitau tau..sekarang ni tak sempat lagi..jap lagi nak packing2 lak..nak bertolak ke miri..ngeee..
Alaa..korang mesti pandai2 belaka kann..*ayat orang malas nak translate resepi..hihih
Let's check it out..
Cantonese Egg Tarts Recipe
Resepi nih versi bahasa inggeris yer sebab main angkut(copy) terus..kalo nak minta translate ke bahasa melayu kite bagitau tau..sekarang ni tak sempat lagi..jap lagi nak packing2 lak..nak bertolak ke miri..ngeee..
Alaa..korang mesti pandai2 belaka kann..*ayat orang malas nak translate resepi..hihih
Let's check it out..
Cantonese Egg Tarts Recipe
Makes about 10-12 egg tarts (3-Inch Wide 1-1/2-Inch Deep Tart Tin) > hasue guna acuan 6cm
Ingredients of crust:
* 225 gm plain flour
* 125 gm butter
* 55 gm icing sugar
* 1 egg, whisked
* a dash of vanilla extract
Ingredients of custard:
* 3 eggs
* 110 gm caster sugar
* 225 gm hot water
* 85 gm evaporated milk
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Method (making crust):
1. Place butter at room temperature until softened. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer over medium speed until the mixture is smooth, fluffy and light in color.
2. Add in whisked egg, half at a time, beat over low speed. Add vanilla extract, mix well.
3. Sift in flour in two batches, scraping down the sides of the bowl between additions with a spatula, and make sure all ingredients combine well. Knead into dough. (see picture)
4. Roll out the dough to a 1/2 cm thickness. Cut dough with a cookie cutter that is just a bit smaller than your tart tin in size. Line dough in the middle of tart tins, one by one. Lightly press the dough with your thumbs, starting from the bottom then up to the sides. While pressing the dough, turn the tart tin clockwise/anti-clockwise in order to make an even tart shell. Trim away any excess dough.
Method (making custard):
1. Add sugar into hot water, mix until completely dissolved.
2. Whisk egg with evaporated milk. Pour in sugar water. Mix well.
3. Sift egg mixture to get rid of any foam into a tea pot. Carefully pour egg mixture into each tart shell.
Method (baking tarts):
1. Preheat oven to 200C. Position rack in lower third of oven. Bake tarts for 10 to 15 minutes until the edges are lightly brown.
2. Lower the heat to 180C. Keep an eye on them. Once you see the custard being puffed up a bit, pull the oven door open about 2 to 3 inches. Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes until the custard is cooked through. Just insert a toothpick into the custard. If it stands on its own, it’s done.
1. Placing tarts at the lower rack in oven could cook crusts easily before the egg custard being heated up too quickly.
2. At the very last stage, pull the oven door open a few inches. This method is to avoid custard from being puffed up too high. The custard would collapse once they are cooled down otherwise.
>masa pembakaran untuk saiz yang berbeza lebih kurang aje sebenarnya sebab bukan saiz jadi ukuran..tapi ketebalan kulit tart kita tu..kalau tebal,lambat ler masak..pastu masa buat kulit tart tu,make sure jangan buat tebal2..nanti dapat filling sedikit..tapi jangan buat terlalu nipis,nanti mudah patah masa nak tanggalkan dari acuan.. ok?calit sikit!gerak sket tunjuk ibu jari..hehe

Aku baru nak siap2 nih..tadi encik habi dah kuar sound trek suh siap awal..pastu nak masak2 laa jugak sebab kalau nak singgah bintulu harus korner sana sini lak..takut lambat sampai nanti..maklum laa bawak budak kecik nih kan..malas laa nak bermalam2..huhu.. nanti sampai sana aku update lagi kalo berkesempatan..dan membalas jejak2 semua orang yer..
Kalau kat bandar tu memang berdezup aje laa tenetnya..ibarat baru je pasang niat nak bukak blog,dah terbukak page blog kita..hahahaha...melampau2 laa pulak kan.. ;P
12 Komen Di Sini:
Amboi nak g Miri wat pe tuh..Eh slmat mengundi ya,undi jgn xundi,hihi..Klmarin nyamfah tahap gaban nak komen,coz nmpak lauk feberet tuh duk posing sakan,huhu..Pstt meh ckit tart nak rasa sedap ka X..Syifa Kirim Assalam utk Zhariff nih..
ooh byk versi juga tart ni . heheh apa2 tart ni semua akk suka,
balik miri pulak, hati2 di jln raya ya
waduh.. mgancam sungguh tart mu itew..mmg rasa mau ngences.. msuk list jugak ni.. slmt mengundi sue..
tak tau plak tat telur ni ada mcm2 versi...rupa2nya camtu ekkk.. lepas ni boleh la try...tu pun klu rajin la...hahahaha..
kak, esok tolong buatkan Jowo egg tart ye...hihihiii (cabut dulu, kang kena hambat dgn sudip)
cantonnese Egg Tart...
Nampak sedapnya...kak cek memang peberet Egg Tart....amik resepi dululah...nanti kak cek nak buat pulak....
beshnyer nak bejaln... x menyempat2 hehehe.. sue sory lah nak tny nie vanilla extract tu aper heh? hehehe.. klo minta je kat kedai brg kek tu diorg tau kan.. zura je yg x tau kan.. hehehe..
peberet aku tart telur...
sedappnya tengok...
boleh try nanti...
wehhh...gi berpoya2 lagi ke...
jelesss ni..he..he..
nampak sedap la..egg tart..i suka tau..
Ekekekek..bagai mengantuk disorong bantal..kebetulan ko balik,leh la KO BUATKAN aku nanti tart nih kat umah kan kan...huhu.yeahhh,,akhirnya baby zhariff balik jugekkk jumpa unclenya nih.huhuhu :)
wahh... ada org blk mengundi laa.. ha, dh lalu bintulu tu, singgah2 laa rumah nih.. ikut jln bintulu-sibu ke? nnti past epot bintulu sket je nengok kanan, ye.. ada jalan baru masuk dlm hutan.. eh salah, masuk ke adtec.. hihi.. jgn lupa bw tat telo satu tupperware..
gebu btol tat nko ni sue... sedap je nampaknye..aku rajin wat tat nenas je la..tat lain malas la.. order je ngan ko leh? hehe
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