Suka jugak melepak umah dier bace2 entry kalo berkesempatan..tengok keletah anak2 daranya yg comel2 tuu..

Now I have to follow the rules and the rules are : -
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
>Aku terima awardnya beserta gamba yg dah dicopy n paste ke blog ini..tunaiiii!!hehe
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
>Nak Share ngan semua viewers kat blog kalo suruh amik mesti diorg malu2 kalo x sebut nama kan..huhu..
Jadi yg 15 org nih sudi2 laa amik ehh...
- Kak Nor
- Kak Mie
- Ika
- Ctzura
- Dayangjack
- Sunkist[Ida]
- Ita
- Hanim
- Nadrah
- Atiqah
- CikFrogy
- Ros [Onigiri]
- Love2cook
- Nana
- Linda
Sila2 tepek kat blog memasing untuk keserian dan kesemakan blog anda..hehe
4 Komen Di Sini:
Tenkiu Sue! Nanti Love letak kat umah Love...yoohhhooo!!!
i ceria ke...
thanks jugak sbb berkawan dgn kita yg hina ni...
thanx sue. Nnti sy buat yer..
love2cook: ur welkam..tq sudi amik ye love
syahadah: iskhh...x baik tau.kite suke kawan ngan sumer org..mane lak hina..baik ati tuh
Softtouch [Hanim]:thanks ye
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