1stly..ampun laa kat kak maria..dah berkurun lama bg tags nih lum terbuat gak...
Semenjak masalah komputer diikuti masalah server tuh,mmg takleh nak jawab biarpun simple..kena jawab gak ler biarpun dah lama..ye tak kak?ehee...
The rules:
go to your photo folder in your computer.go to the 6th folder of photos.go to the 6th picture in that folder.put the picture on your blog & description of it.invite 6 friends to join the challenge.link them in your blog and let them know they been challenge.
Nih laa gambo yg dikehendaki..

Nih gambar kakak n banglong..
Gambar ni diambil semasa makan malam kat restoran seafood(tak ingat la nama restoran tuh)
Sekeluarga pergi makan kat sana..memang seronok sangat!
6 persons i am going to tags are:
Tak yah laa kot eh..lama sgt dah..hehe
Anyway thanks to kak maria sebab ingat juga kat kite nih walaupun masa tu kite jarang dapat online...cayaannggg akak! ^_^
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