Tengok tajuk menu..pergh! panjang bebeno.. takpelah,janji ia menggambarkan menu buat tayangan amal pada kali ini.
Sebenarnya, dah dua kali buat kek cawan cipon resepi skodengs dari blog kak rima pakar cipon nun..
Masa kat kampung cuti baru2 ni buat dah.. buat satu adunan terus. Buh dalam papercup gak,err..memula jelah..heh..adunan selebihnya tuh campak masuk loyang jek.. dah laa loyang cipon tah mana kann..campak dalam loyang biasa lak tu..zalim amat.haha..
Sebab ramai ahli boleh join venture ngadap sesama,jadi tak jadi masalah la satu adunan tu nak surut..
Dah balik sini,wat lagi..separuh adunan jek.. laku jugakk rupanya..sedappp dan gebuss...cuma tak secantik cipon kak rima laa..hukk..
Pastu buat yang perisa pandan gak..tapi tak tersnap kot.heh.. :D
Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes with Whipped Cream Filling
Source:Rima@Bisous A Toi
2 cups cake flour before sifting
1 cup sugar*
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil -hasue letak minyak canola
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
5 egg yolks
8 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (or 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice or white vinegar)
Whipped Cream Filling:
2 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Make sure everything is at room temperature, especially eggs and milk. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
2. Shift the cake flour together with baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl.
3. In a medium bowl, blend well milk, oil, vanilla extract and the 5 egg yolks.
4. Add the egg yolk mixture to the dry ingredients, and beat it for about two minutes.
5. Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar on high speed until foamy, then slowly add in sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak form. (Mindy says: "Most recipes tell you to add most of the sugar to egg yolks, and only add a small amount to the egg whites, but some bloggers say that professional bakers do just the opposite. Huh! Trade secrete! I tried it today, and it worked really well!")
6. Fold the meringue into the yolk mixture in 3 parts.
7. Spoon into 24 cupcake cups evenly, give them a couple of big taps on the table to break the large air bubbles in the batter for finer texture of the cakes, and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes. Tooth pick test for doneness. Remove from the oven, and cool on racks straight up.
8. Measure the heavy cream, sugar and vanilla into the mixing bowl, mix on high speed until medium peak form.
9. Fit the piping bag with a narrow tip, and fill it with whipped cream. Pipe the cream into center of the cupcakes after they are completely cooled or refrigerated. Dust with powdered sugar.
11 Komen Di Sini:
Salam Sue...
wah..bukan main lagi ko menggoda gue ya..menarik hokkaido chiffon kek ni...letak byk2 krim ya..sedap tu..
Salam Sue,
gebusss nampaknya hokkaido chiffon tu... whipped cream tu, x cukup kental agaknya... kurang putar.. apa kisah... janji mau sedappppp...
Salam sis,
gebunya la cipon tu...myb segebu orngnya ke? hehe...
bak 3 ketul ? bole ke ?? ~ mntk ngan muka x malu...huhuhu....
tumpahkan semua whipped cream ya Sue, kmk sukaaaa...hehehe. Tlg pos 10 igek lok....
bunga mawar ke tu..kikikik....cumil sungguh...dah lama duk tengok org buat ni. teringin tapi belom sampai serunya.
Gebusss dan spongy... geram je tengok ni... tak pernah cuba pernah beli dan makan.. banyak kali dah nampak kengkawan blogger buat.. jamu mata dalam hati geram aje.. bilalah nak mencuba tak tercuba2... tumpang tengok aje ya..:))
Hahaha u very the funny.. tak cakap bentuk bunga also i can see its actually bunga mawar ahaks.. ty for trying.. memang shiok this cipon anonehhh .. can makan and makan sampai tak sedar dah ngap 5 biji :op
ehh.. hebehebehebeh dah jangkit masuk dlm ni ya.. sue!! gi godek lg.. hilangkan kempunan akak nak buat dan makan kek cipon nih :(
La bunga mawar ke tu sue?lulus dah tu..haha
As'salam Kak HaSue ..
Wah wah wahhhh ....!! Gebus nyerr~~
masuk list Nina yea..
(entah bila lah nak mencuba nyerr)
amboi sue sekali keluar n3 berderet-deret ya...lama gak berangan nak buat hokkaido chiffon ni tapi tak terbuat juga lagi.
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